Monday, January 26, 2009

Final Project Brainstorming...Hmmmm...

I am in the process of opening my own interior decorating business, Inspiring Spaces, and thought that the final project would be a good way to teach others' a little bit about design and decorating. Maybe I could pull examples from everyday problems that people have with decorating, and then walk them through the solutions. I thought that I could use pictures as instructional tools, before and after, color combinations, etc. I am sure I will come up with more specifics as the course goes on and have a better idea of what makes a successful e-learning module.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Expectations and First Impressions

For me, it is always difficult to find the perfect level of expectation for a course. I try not to set them too high as not to be disappointed in the class or myself, but I am also weary to set them low and never achieve all that is possible. I hope to gain the knowledge of multimedia and hypermedia in order to be more accurately perceived. As a communication major, it is important that the information received is what I intended, especially in a circumstance where I need to provide others with knowledge on a subject matter.

I can only go into this course with a positive outlook, hoping that the challenges and obstacles that I may face will only push me to work that much harder toward my goals of successful communication. For now, I will leave my expectations at that.