Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reflections of a Site Designer

Designing this site has proved to be more difficult than I had anticipated. Creating a basic layout seemed like an easy concept, but there is so much more that goes into the designing process than I had imagined. Although I am using a template as a guide, there are still alot of other options and choices that have to be made by me as a designer. How do I want my site to stand out from the next person's? I have to choose colors that are visually appealing and also complement my logo design. I am still not quite sure how the final outcome will become a functioning page. I hope to get the more technical aspects down since I haven't much time! I better get back to work.


  1. I agree. Designing a website is a very detailed process. I began mine and then realized I had to start all over because I cut it into slices prematurely!! I am looking forward to seeing your site.

  2. I understsnd where your coming from, its definitely got so many componenets to it. It's not as simple as one might think. You actually have to think about every aspect before you add it. Even silly things as font size or style are important things you have to consider. I spent time trying to figure out what color I should use where and what size and color the font should be. Some of the aspects are a lot more tedious than I thought.

  3. I am worried to about how my stands out. I wish that we could have seen some previous submissions or idea of what she was looking for that wasn't in a tutorial. I spent hours redoing my layout and colors. I got really frustrated for a little bit

  4. I completely understand relate to what your saying as well as how the other classmates were feeling. I went through much frustration and made several attempts although I throughly enjoyed the experience. I feel like I'll end up having to redo my layout though :(
