Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reflections of a Site Designer

Designing this site has proved to be more difficult than I had anticipated. Creating a basic layout seemed like an easy concept, but there is so much more that goes into the designing process than I had imagined. Although I am using a template as a guide, there are still alot of other options and choices that have to be made by me as a designer. How do I want my site to stand out from the next person's? I have to choose colors that are visually appealing and also complement my logo design. I am still not quite sure how the final outcome will become a functioning page. I hope to get the more technical aspects down since I haven't much time! I better get back to work.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


So here is the logo that I came up with. It was difficult to find something that completely encompassed what interior decorating is so I took the aesthetically pleasing route which is necessary for good decorating. I specifically substituted the "I" in Inspiring with a flower to emphasize the tagline "let your inspiration bloom." This ended up being a pretty fun creative assignment minus the program glitches from my inexperience!